Stichting Historische Cartografie van de Nederlanden

Wednesday, 12 March 2025 

Anecdota Cartografica I, oude kaarten gevonden

It is not the first time that old maps have appeared because they are used as binder material or were added in a certain atlas. A familiar example of the first, are the two small woodcut maps of 't Hof described in 1962 (1). A second case, the map of the Netherlands from Henry Phrisia of 1568, was pasted in a copy of Ortelius' Theatrum of 1570 (2). In the Maurits Sabbe Library in Leuven (the former Library of the Faculty of Theology)they recently found pasted cards in the Latin edition of the Theatrum of 1579 (3). It turned out to be a damaged map of the Netherlands and a map of the island of Terçera. The map of the Netherlands consists of two pieces glued together. The upper part with the titles and arms is 9 cm high and makes the impression to be complete. The lower part (the actual map of about 17 cm height and 20 cm width) is probably cut of through Santvort - Waterlant - Campen and pasted on the top portion. In a band, flanked by two aggressive lions with the arms of the king, there are three titles; the first in English: 'Nederlantsche Bescri | vinge. That means ‘Allen Die 'Bourgoin Neder-Lande', the second in Latin; NOVA GALLIÆ BEL | GICÆ DESCRIPTIO; The third' INFERIORVM REGIONVM PHILIPPO REGI NOSTRO PARENTIVM DESCRIPTIO 'with the emphasis on the reign of Philip II ( 'parens Philippo’). The twelve arms in the band (from left to right): Names - Zutphen to Antwerp (Thetsjerijck) - Mechelen and the eleven weapons including (from left to right) Milan - Gelderlant to Zeelandt - Bourgoingnen indicate probably the XVII Provinces and a number of other titles which Philip II had. The actual on the north-oriented, copper engraved map extends south to the Marne in Reims and just past 'Lutetia (Paris), and to just west of Canter Berg' ( 'Anglia Pars') and east to' Colonia ' 'Aachen', 'Bon', 'Andernach’. Left is a scale stick with fitter from 'Scala Miliarium 20 [= ca.6 cm = ca 1: 2500000], in combination with a small fitter which is held by a putto. The map doesn’t give the impression to be influenced by the mapping of Jacob van Deventer and shows more affinity with the two early maps of the XVII Provinces of about 1526 and 1557 in Van der Heijden 1998 (4). The engraving is clear and very comprehensive, but the whole created by the many key characters, give it a messy impression. The triple symbol of the arch dioceses of Keulen, Utrecht and Reims, and the double cross of the dioceses before the Concordat of 1559 (by Charles V in 1559 destroyed Therouane is still counted as a diocese) are clearly stated . The names of the provinces and other regions such as Lotaringia pars' and 'Clivia' are surrounding them. Strikingly under the'Mare Sepentionale' (sic) (including two fishing vessels with nets) in a separate part of the map the battle of 'Grevelingen' [and] of 13 July 1558 is commemorated and in a larger part in the middle is written 'Den 10 Dach Aug[ustus] was Battalie; Den 27 Aug was  S quitin gewonnen, Den 5 Sept was Chatelet; Den 11 Sept was Han ghewonnen oft opgegeven an[no] 1557. The map is clearly dedicated to the victories of the Spaniards and the Dutch on the French and gives the impression of an expression of assent to the political efforts of Philip II. The dates 1557 and 1558 that are mentioned, indicate the emerge of the map of the years post quem. The content of the map and the deliberate cut along the line Santvort - Waterlant and Campen will be regardedas an unknown map of the XVII Provinces. Under the strip with the weapons no geographical details were mentioned while screening above the line. It is therefore possible, although unlikely, that the upper and lower bands not belong together and are glued together wrongly. In the hope of bumping again on a full copy of this interesting card, the necessary details for comparison are given here. 1 - B.van 't Hof, The oldest maps of the Netherlands. Dutch folder fragments of about 1524. In: Imago Mundi, xvi, 1662, p. 2932 2 - Plantijn-Moretus Museum, A3802, Van der Heijden 1998, map 13. 3 - P.Plano 103 ORTE Thea 4 - maps 1 and 6 of Jan van Hoirne and Hieronymus Cock

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