Stichting Historische Cartografie van de Nederlanden

Wednesday, 12 March 2025 



Below you will find some links to related websites. They are divided into different groups: Foundations, Map collections, Map Traders and Map makers.


Studiekring Historische Cartografie

Map Colletions.

Toonneel des Aerdrycks, ofte Nieuwe Atlas. The complete 6-piece atlas by Joan Blaeu is completely digitally observable.
Website met diverse kaartencollecties, including the original minutes-plans assembly of the register of around 1832, field maps, map books, etc.
Kaarten uit de collecties Hingman en Ernsting. In both collections it’s mainly about printed cards, but there are also beautiful manuscripts.
One of the most beautiful collections of the National Archives is the collection of cards of Johannes Vingboons (1616/17-1670)). The cards offer a unique look in the commercial world of the 17th century.
Online kaartencollectie van de Hebrew University van Jerusalem. Includes city maps of Braun and Hogenberg.

Map Traders.

Paulus Swaen (NE)
Handelaar Sanderus (BE)
Handelaar Jonathan Potter (UK)

Map Makers.

Albrizzi, Giambattista (1698 - 1777)
Aveline, Pierre (ca. 1656 - 1722)
d'Anville Jean-Baptiste (1697-1782)
Beaulieu, Sebastien de Pontault de (? - 1674)
Beauvau, Henry de
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (1703-1772)
Blaeu, Joan (c. 1599-1673)
Borg, Antonio
Braun, Georg (1541-1622)
Breydenbach, Bernhard von (1440-1497)
Bruijn, Cornelis de (1652-c.1726)
Bureau Topographique des T.F.L.
Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718)
Dapper, Olfert (1635-1689)
de Fer, Antoine and Nicolas
Harrewyn, Jacques (1660-1727)
Heather, William (1764-1812)
Hogenberg, Franz (1535-1590)
Homann, Johann (1663-1724)
Luffman, John (fl.1776-1820)
Munster, Sebastian (1488-1552)
Pinargenti, Simon
Remondini Giuseppe Antonio (? - 1711)
Rocchetta, Aquilante don
Roux, Joseph (1725-1793)
Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514)
Seutter, George Matthaeus (1678- 1757)
Stockdale, John (1739 - 1814)